Friday, May 20, 2011

Baking Cookies with Anna

Hey guys!

Things have been really exciting around our house these days.  We are all very excited to move to Eau Claire and every time we take a trip there we feel more and more confident that we will be happy to call it home.  We signed our lease today and mailed it back to our new landlords.  We are still negotiating a move-in date in hopes that we can get moved a few days before the end of June.  Here is a photo of the proud head coach!!

We are really excited about the next set of photos.  Like we mentioned before, Evan got Anna and I matching aprons for Mother's day.  We put them to use for the first time a few days ago and baked some cookies.  Now with Anna being a week shy of two years old, I must say she was an interesting baking partner.  She was overly concerned that the dough tasted good enough.  However, at times, she was very helpful with sprinkling the dough with flour and using the cookie cutters.  Overall, I would call our first baking adventure a successful one.  We are very excited to keep baking new things and watching Anna grow into a little chef.

Like I mentioned above, Anna will be two a week from today!  Evan and I are kind of in denial that our little girl is growing up so fast.  It's been so fun watching her grow into an intelligent and beautiful girl.  Every day is exciting with Anna in our lives and we love every second of it.  She went to the dentist for the first time this week too.  I never realized that little kids go to the dentist unless something is wrong with their teeth, but apparently Anna will continue to see a dentist once every six months.  The trip was successful and her teeth are very healthy.  She even got a bracelet and a new toothbrush!  With the coming of Anna's second birthday you will see some changes to the blog.  We are going to revamp it and we are starting a very exciting project that we will go into detail about in the days to come.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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