Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Photo A Day

Hey Guys!

Now, we have mentioned a project we will be doing for Anna and as of yesterday it has started.  If you didn't already notice, our blog has been revamped and we are excited to fill you guys in on our new undertaking!  Evan and I share many passions the two of which are most important and close to our hearts are Anna and photography.  While we have always been really good about documenting our beautiful daughter's life, we have decided to take it a step further with this project.  Our goal is to photograph Anna every single day until she turns three.  Each week will have a theme depending on events and milestones going on in her life.  Then every Thursday you can find us here on our blog with a set of photos and a little blurb about the week.  Ultimately, our goal is to have an archive of photos and stories to create a book for Anna.  We are really excited to construct such a beautiful collection of memories for our family to cherish forever.  We hope that you will enjoy this journey along with us!  Make sure to tune in on Thursdays to see what's new!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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