Monday, May 23, 2011

It's almost Friday!!

Hey guys!

We had a really nice weekend off together and now Evan is back to work until Anna's big birthday on Friday!  My mom, Dan, and Dannylin are coming to visit and we are really excited to have them here to celebrate Anna's day!  Then the following weekend we will have lots of family here to celebrate too.  Anna is a very special girl who is loved by so many!

Speaking of Anna, I decided it was time to clean her room today and this is what I found...

It took me about an hour to sort out this mess and then I decided we will start having a toy rotation.  So the first set of toys went into the toy box today and we will see them in a month or two.  I would say it's about time to teach Anna about putting things back where they belong when she is done with them.  But, without a doubt, she plays hard.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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