Monday, May 2, 2011

Busy. Busy. Busy.

Hey Guys!

Wow... We have been so busy these past few weeks.

Evan is finally using his vacation he's been unintentionally saving up for the past year and it has been really nice to have the chance to relax, as well as accomplish many necessary tasks.

We are heading back to Eau Claire tomorrow to look at a few more apartments, track down Super Target (I cannot even express to you how excited I am about this!!!), and explore the downtown area of the city.  Evan may also be hiring his first Eau Claire employee.  And we will hopefully get to eat at Noodles, unlike our last unsuccessful attempt.

Now we need to recap a little.  A few weekends ago, we made a trip to Waupun/Mayville to see my niece, Zoe, dance in her recital.  Let me tell you, she stole the show.  It was a very quick, but very nice trip.  Here are some photos from our adventure:

Then of course, Easter has come and gone.  We traveled down to Boscobel to join the gang for a nice celebratory shindig.  Great food, good people, and a very messy Anna.  She had a ton of fun enjoying the beautiful weather that we were so lucky to have for the holiday.  Also while we were enjoying the company of family, Evan took some great pictures of baby Graham, Blake, and Natalie.  Here a few photos from our Boscobel adventure:

We are also very excited to announce that we have booked our trip to Walt Disney World.  We are not 100% sure that all the details of the trip will work out, but we are hoping that we get the chance to take a little vacation and let Anna enjoy her childhood at one of the most magical places on earth.  (Yes, that is cheesy, but people who have been there will agree...)

We are also very excited about our wedding ideas coming together.  As they begin to fall together we will start posting some ideas on here.  We want everyone close to us to be involved in the development of the celebration of our special day!!  And if anyone is super crafty and wants to get in on our DIY projects, let us know!

Well, we will update again after our trip tomorrow and let you all know what we found on our adventure to Eau Claire.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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