Friday, May 13, 2011


Hey Guys!

We have been surprisingly bad at blogging lately judging Evan is in the middle of nine day stretch of vacation.  But we will really try to get better and we will warn you now, this one will be long...

Because we are so behind in posting, we have some pictures from Easter that were shot on film to share with you all.  We both love shooting film, but the downside of it is that we have to be patient to get the pictures developed.  Take a peek.....

Like we mentioned in our last blog, we headed to Eau Claire last week and once again this week to view some apartments.  We finally found a few worth applying for and actually got accepted at all three of them.  We opted for the one that best fits our price range and that had all the amenities we were looking for.  The really cool thing about it is that it is out of town/in the country.  There will be a lot of room for Anna to run around and enjoy the summer!  We got the call today that our lease is on its way in the mail so we are really looking forward to locking it down.  We will move towards the end of June/July 1st.  And since we found our new home, the movers will be here any minute to give us an estimate!  We are very blessed to have Pawn America taking such good care of us!

Of course, Mother's day has come and gone.  It was a really wonderful day!  Evan and Anna made it so special for me (and so did the Gap with a great sale!).  My loves got me matching aprons for Anna and I and today we are going to bake some sugar cookies.  You should definitely look forward to some cute pictures in the future of Anna and I's baking adventures!!

A few days ago, we took Anna to the park to play.  She is a really funny girl and would rather collect sticks and dig in the dirt or sand than swing or slide.  But we have so much and here's the proof.  For Valentine's day this year Evan got me a really great Nikon film camera and this was my first outing with it where I actually had good film in my camera.  Needless to say, I have really missed shooting film and manual focus.

Every once in a while, Evan and I decide it is time to order some prints from all the thousands of pictures we take.  This time, we ordered over fifty prints along with three nice sized canvases.  We are really excited to decorate our new place with these.  They all turned out better than we could have imagined.

With the prospect of moving ahead of us, Evan and I have been brainstorming like crazy about the decor we would like at our new home.  We decided we really want to make it our own so we have selected themes for some of our rooms.  The other day, we ran to Hobby Lobby for the wood to mount our canvases and came across a 50% sale on all of this stuff...

Sneak Peak from our outdoor adventure ;) - full blog to come!!

Wow folks! If you made it this far you all deserve a very hardy pat on the back! We thank you all for tuning in and hope you check in often!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! So happy to hear that you found a place so quickly (and in the country)!! That's fantastic! I really enjoyed your photos. I love the one you chose for your canvas. Must have been hard to decide which one(s) to use. I really like the last picture posted with the spring-like background. And the softness of Anna's dress really is beautiful.
